Hansueli Steinmann
WOC 2003: Hansueli Steinmann is the master of the
terrain and the courses
"A good orienteering course includes a loop"
He was elite runner, assistant coach and head coach of the Swiss Orienteering
Federation SOLV, but he also acted as course director and course setter:
With that background, the 39-year old Hansueli Steinmann, the technical
director of the WOC organization, is experienced and challenged at the
same time.
"I like to give something to orienteers that they have fun with!" replies
Hansueli Steinmann after being asked about the motivation for his work
within the WOC organization. As if there were anything that he would have
to return to the orienteers... With his yearlong engagements on various
levels, the compensation for the time of the elite competitions as runner
happened a long time ago. "The challenge, however, to take over an intriguing
task does appeal to me very much."
terrain chambers
When the time will come for looking back to the WOC in Switzerland in
fall of 2003, Steinmann would be particularly happy to get one specific
reply: "The organization of fair competitions is paramount to me." One
would be able to discuss about whether the absolute maximum of the orienteering-technical
skills had been demanded. "The competitions are going to show a representative
mix of the eastern types of terrain of Switzerland." When being asked
to comment on the supposedly less demanding abilities with respect to
map reading at the WOC in Switzerland, the civil engineer graduated from
ETH has a clear opinion: An orienteering course becomes demanding whenever
the technical requirements are in constant flow. Equally high difficulties
are easier to master than many changes." It is exactly this aspect that
might be well adoptable to the Swiss WOC areas. "What's more," says Steinmann,
"a good orienteering course includes a loop. Many changes of the direction
are the A and O! The runners will be surprised from the many different
terrain chambers and the constantly changing vegetation in all of the
WOC areas," Steinmann, who has already spent many hours in all the WOC
areas, points out.
Course tests in summer 2002
Within the next few weeks the kickoff for the first mappings of all WOC
areas is going to happen. The maps should be available by the end of 2001.
Already, there exist first concepts for the courses. After the refinement
and an overhaul in the year 2002 all the courses are going to be tested
in summer 2002 by selected runners, and are adjusted afterwards where
Hansueli Steinmann will do whatever it takes to guarantee fair competitions.
With his additional education as a security engineer in the domain of
job safety and a high level of experience on the job as well as in orienteering,
the family father from Stäfa has also developed a sense for a safe technical
schedule of the WOC courses: A large part of all possible foreseeable
incidents and accidents have to be taken care of already in advance by
means of technical and organizational measures, e.g. mapped alternate
areas including courses, second timing etc. "Anything else can only be
fixed in a short-term time frame and with experienced people."
A step forward with new forms of orienteering
Hansueli Steinmann is open towards the new forms of orienteering at world
championships that are in discussion. "We shall not rigidly insist on
the good old times in order to get better publicity. The WOC is the right
platform where we can come up with new forms of competition that are more
appealing to the spectators. However, the classic way of the orienteering
competition shall certainly be kept alive as an element of hobby sport."
As hobby runner he also is going to be more active after the WOC. His
four children, aged between three months and six years, will be, partly
at least, ready for the first tries with map and compass together with
Lukas Jenzer
Division O-Technique
Technical Director: Hansueli Steinmann (1962, Stäfa,
OLG Stäfa)
Maps: Beat Imhof (1962 , Balterswil/TG, OL Regio Wil);
Urs Steiner (1959, Bern/BE, ol norska)
Courses: Kilian Imhof (1968, Schmidshof/TG, OL Regio
Wil), coordination.
WOC Trainingcamps: Dieter Lüscher (1971, Zürich/OLK Argus),
coordination. |
This article was first published in "OL", the swiss
orienteering magazin. More information available from ol-fachschrift@a2plus.ch
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Posted: 2003-02-12 18:51:59
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