Doping tests on EPO at an orienteering event for the first time
For the first time in history of this sport, drug testing will also include EPO at the OL WM 2003 in Rapperswil/Jona. On Thursday August 8, 2003, additional urine samples have been taken from top athletes of the six leading nations. This drug test on EPO is performed in accordance with the International Orienteering Federation IOF and Swiss Olympic. The samples are going to be analyzed at the Laboratoire Suisse d’Analyse du Dopage (LAD) in Lausanne. Results regarding EPO should be available in a few weeks.
At the sprint final last Tuesday and at the long-distance race last Wednesday totally sixteen urine samples have been taken immediately after the race and tested on the classic doping substances (i.e., without EPO). As of today, all available results have been negative.
Posted: 2003-08-08 10:18:58
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